Gayatri Bank provides NEFT (National Electronic Fund Transfer) and RTGS (Real-time Gross Settlement) facilities to make fund transfers in quick and secure way. NEFT minimum amount is 1.00 Rupee.

» To avail RTGS facility, visit the nearest branch.

» To avail NEFT facility by following ways

  1. Mobile Banking application

      2. Visit the nearest branch

Gayatri Mobile Banking Application

To do the NEFT transaction by using mobile banking application, you will need to Add a Beneficiary first, by entering beneficiary details and OTP (which you receive on your registered mobile number). Remember that Beneficiaries of Gayatri bank are confirmed immediately, you can perform instant fund transfer also but other bank beneficiaries’ addition will take one hour to confirm and can perform fund transfer after one hour only ( You can transfer Rs. 10000 only on first day).

Visit your nearest Branch

Customer avail the Neft/Rtgs facility, have to fill the voucher and submit at the Branch

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