Gayatri Bulk Deposit Scheme
Gayatri Bulk deposit scheme is a unique savings scheme which offers highest returns.
Gayatri Bank’s Bulk Deposit Scheme makes sure you receive attractive interest rates on your investment.

Minimum Deposit
₹15.00 Lakhs

Flexible Tenure
15 Days - 24 Months

Additional Interest on Bulk Deposits
- Eligibility Criteria
- Interest
- Benefits For You
- General
Who Can Deposit:
» Individuals (singly or jointly), Minor by a natural guardian, Organizations, Co-op. Societies, Registered Trust, Institutions and Associations.
» Customers can make Deposits through their Mobile Banking Login also at any time.
Maximum Amount of Deposit:
No Limit
» Interest will be paid on the deposits at the rate in force from time to time.
» To know about our current Interest Rates on Bulk Deposits, please Click here.
» Additional interest of 0.50% PA for Senior Citizens.
» Interest amount will be paid on Maturity/Monthly/Quarterly/Yearly.
Deposit Certificate:
The Bank will issue a certificate in favour of the depositors showing the amount deposited, the period for which the deposit is accepted, maturity date and maturity amount.
Loan against Deposit:
Loan can be granted for up to 90 % of the deposit amount against the pledge of Deposit Receipts in case of need.
Premature Withdrawal
Allowed with penalty of 1% in applicable interest rate for the tenure of deposit as on the date of placement of deposit.
» Ideal plan to generate more interest on surplus funds for a short & long period of time.
» Auto renewal is exercised if maturity instructions are not given.
» TDS is applicable. Form 15H/15G required to be submitted for exemption of TDS, when you open a Fixed Deposit and subsequently at the beginning of the following financial year.
The Bank reserves the right to alter, amend and rescind the rules from time to time.
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Deposit Insurance
Deposit Insurance on Deposits up to Rs. 5 Lakh is Applicable through DICGC, India.
The Deposit Insurance System in India is subject to the Provisions of Deposit Insurance Act (enacted in 1961). Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (Wholly owned subsidiary of the Reserve Bank of India) is the body that operates the deposit insurance system.
To download more information click the following link : DICGC
(Website : www.dicgc.org.in )